Virtual Superintendent project set up - Generating files to display data on the map

This article outlines the data types and format required to enable Cloudscape staff to load drone imagery and elevation data into the Virtual Super for your project.

The following files/format can be shared by emailing links to the download location to:

Drone Imagery

These files need to be MBTiles (mapbox tiles).

MBTiles: When using this format, generate these tilesets to support zoom level 20 or 21 to get the best reasonable image resolution. You can use zoom level 22 for smaller projects. See below for more instructions.

Setting the MBTiles Export Options for Drone Imagery

Using Global Mapper software, export to MBTiles using the following settings:

Click to expand

Elevation Model

GeoTiff: This is the required format.

Use Global Mapper to generate a GeoTiff elevation grid by selecting the Export Elevation Grid Format option, then GeoTiff (Cloud Optimized) (see below).

Click to expand

Setting the Export Options for Generating the Elevation Model

Click to expand