Articles on the SafeSite Mobile app
- Installing the SafeSite app
- Introduction to Electronic Dockets for Subcontractor Administrators
- Subcontractor Submits a Labour Docket in the SafeSite app
- SafeSite and Virtual Superintendent Permissions Explained
- Electronic dockets instructions for supervisors
- On-Board Plant with QR Code
- How to link an Independent QR Code to a SafeSite account
- Restrict Item Codes for a SafeSite User
- SafeSite Docket Station Workflow
- Sign-on to SafeSite docket station
- Create a Site Notice or Message
- Managing Machine Status
- Wages Staff Create Electronic Dockets
- Getting Started with SafeSite
- Plant Page Smart Select Feature
- Supervisor registers a new SafeSite user or reregisters existing user in the field
- SafeSite Smart Select Feature
- Driver Breaks in the SafeSite app
- View and Edit Dockets without SafeSite Sign-on