Generate Dockets in the Virtual Super via an Excel Spreadsheet
Subcontractor admins and head contractor admins can now import data from an Excel spreadsheet to generate dockets in the Virtual Super.
- Subcontractor admins (suppliers) upload a lot of dockets quickly and accurately, e.g. when a subcontractor frequently delivers the same material to site.
Subcontractor admins (suppliers) export data from their own system and upload to the Virtual Super.
Note: Head contractors (admin manager or super user permission) can enable this for suppliers. See here for instructions.
Head contractor admins generate the spreadsheet dockets on behalf of a subcontractor.
Note: This is only available if you have the admin, admin manager or super user permission.
- Press the import dockets button. For subcontractor admins, this button is found on your dockets page in the Virtual Super. For head contractors, it is found on your admin dockets page or super user dockets page of the Virtual Super.
- Select the download template option. You need to download the template each time you start this workflow to ensure you have the latest version.
- Only the head contractor admins will complete this step: Select the supplier name.
- Enter the details of the dockets in the import dockets sheet of the downloaded template.
- Save the template to your computer.
- Press the import dockets button to upload the file to generate the dockets in the Virtual Super.
Head contractor users with the admin, admin manager or dockets super user permission are able to generate dockets on behalf of a supplier, via an Excel template.
Note: A head contractor selects the supplier name as they download the template, ensuring that all of the relevant data for that supplier is available for selection in the spreadsheet, e.g. the correct chargeable items.
- From time to time Cloudscape might make modifications to the template spreadsheet. We recommend that you download the template each time you start this workflow to ensure you are using the latest version.
- When entering data into the template, you can duplicate cells by selecting one cell, then dragging and copying down a column.
- When dragging and copying numbers, ensure the rows aren't incrementing, e.g. when copying a Plant ID. To stop the number incrementing - select the copy cells option in your spreadsheet.
- Data copied from another source (e.g. not the template spreadsheet) is not checked for validity and can stop the import to the Virtual Super. To work around this, choose the Excel option paste with values, which triggers a validity check.
- Required fields (Req): Date, Chargeable Item, Quantity and Foreman.
- Optional fields: Invoice Number, Cost Code, Start Time, Apply Breaks, Engineer, Plant ID, Location, Docket Unifier, People, Order Number, Ticket Number and Remarks
- Invoice Number: Entering an invoice number will allow these dockets to be filtered by this reference number in the Virtual Super.
- Cost Code: Typically only used by head contractors to assign cost codes to the docket.
- Start Time: For hours-based dockets, you can enter the shift start time if that is important. Where no time is entered, the default setting is 7am.
Quantity: The quantity field reflects the UOM for the selected chargeable item. For example, the quantity for a labour docket will be hours, the quantity for a material docket could be tonnes.
IMPORTANT - For hours-based dockets, the quantity of hours should reflect the total billable hours not the total hours on site, therefore should not include any breaks.
- Apply Breaks (Y/N): Yes: Breaks set for the supplier will be applied if they fall within the hours set in the template and the finish time will be extended to account for these. If the docket hours do not overlap with any of the breaks, no breaks will be applied to the docket. No: Breaks will not be applied to a docket created via the template.
- Engineer: Typically only used by head contractors to assign an engineer to the docket.
Docket Unifier: Enter a unifying number or text to manually combine rows in the template into one docket. Rows with the same Date, Invoice Number, Cost Code, Foreman, Engineer, Location, Order Number and Ticket Number (the optional fields can be left blank) can be combined into one docket.
IMPORTANT: When importing the template, there will be an option to automatically combine rows into a minimum number of dockets by matching rows with the same values (see list above for fields that must match). When using this option, it is not necessary to use the manual docket unifier field.
Tick to combine the rows into one docket - Remarks will be added to the item remarks field in each docket.
- The location defines where the work was completed or where materials were delivered to.
- Some fields have a dropdown menu list for selection, e.g. chargeable items.
- White cells in your template indicate cells that have not been validity checked.
- Green cells indicate cells that have been checked and are valid.
- Each time the template is downloaded, it uses a unique file name with the following convention: "vs_Docket Import Template_YYMMDD-HHMMSS".
IMPORTANT: Remember that for hours-based dockets the quantity of hours should reflect the total billable hours not the total hours on site, therefore should not include any breaks.
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