Generate Item Codes in the Virtual Super via Excel Spreadsheet

Head contractor administrators can generate or edit item codes for a supplier in bulk via an Excel spreadsheet template in the Virtual Super.

Head contractor Virtual Super users with the admin manager or dockets super user permission can access the dockets setup page. From here they can generate/edit item codes in bulk via an Excel spreadsheet. This will speed up the time it takes to set up the financial data for your project.

From the item codes tab, they can download an Excel template, where they can either create or edit item codes in bulk.

When downloading the template there are 2 options:

  1. Download a blank template

    The blank template is used to bulk on-board new item codes (chargeable items) for a supplier

  2. Download a populated template

    The populated template downloads containing all existing chargeable items for the supplier and is used to make bulk edits to the item codes.

    It is also possible to enter new item codes to this template, if required.


  1. Press the import button. This button is found in the item codes tab on the dockets setup page of the Virtual Super.
  2. Select the download template option

    NOTE: You will need to download the template each time you start this workflow to ensure you have the latest version

  3. Set the supplier
  4. Download a blank template for the supplier OR 

    Download a populated template containing all existing item codes for the supplier by ticking the populate with existing item codes box.

  5. Enter/edit the details of the item codes in the import item codes sheet of the downloaded template.

    NOTE: Do not edit or enter data in the ID column - this column is only visible in the populated template.

  6. Save the template to your computer
  7. Press the import button on your dockets setup page
  8. Select the upload item codes option to upload the saved file

    NOTE: If there are any errors in the template, these will be listed in yellow in the item code summary dialog.

    Make the relevant changes to the saved template - save it again and repeat steps 7-8

  9. The new/edited item codes will be found in the item codes tab of the dockets setup page - this can take a few seconds, depending on the amount of data being uploaded


The required fields are coloured blue.

  • Item: Give the Item a brief code that can be used by your financial system.
  • Description: A brief description of the Chargeable Item - the Subcontractors will see this in SafeSite or the Virtual Super when recording electronic dockets, so make sure this is easy to understand.
  • Price: The individual price for this item.
  • Category: The category for the Chargeable Item, selected from the dropdown menu.
  • Type: The type of chargeable item, selected from the dropdown menu.
  • UOM: From the list, select the unit of measure that each item is charged out at.

    NOTE: For Timesheet suppliers, the UOM must be Hours-Quantity

  • Active Yes - The item can be seen in SafeSite and the Virtual Super by subcontractors.  Active No - The item cannot be seen in SafeSite or the Virtual Super, but are still able to be used as part of an item code group.
  • Visible Yes - the item can be seen in SafeSite and the Virtual Super by Subcontractors.  Visible No - the item cannot be seen in SafeSite and the Virtual Super, but is still able to be used as part of an item code group.
  • Project: Enter your project number to be used when exporting to your financial system.  If this data is not used by your organisation, add any value and ignore when exporting.
  • BPA Number:  This number is added and used when data is exported to your financial system.  If this data is not used by your organisation, add any value and ignore when exporting.


  • ID: An auto-generated, unique identifier for the item code. Do not edit this field or add data to this field.
  • Active from: The date that any price change will be active from
  • Sign-on Profile: For projects using sign-on profiles, these dictate the steps a user will be required to take when signing-on to SafeSite.  Select the sign-on profile which matches the type of item code, e.g. use a labour sign-on profile with a labour item code.  These projects will have access to a set of default sign-on profiles to select from or they can create custom ones.
  • Load Site: Set the load site for a weighbridge item code. The combination of the load site and disposal site is used to determine the tonnage rate for the weighbridge docket
  • Disposal Site: Set the disposal site for a weighbridge item code. The combination of the load site and disposal site is used to determine the tonnage rate for the weighbridge docket.

NOTE: The following columns will only display in a populated template: Active from, Active (Req), ID


  • Head contractor Virtual Superintendent users with the super user permission are able to create or edit item codes in bulk via a downloadable Excel spreadsheet.
  • Required fields (Req): All required (blue) fields are required to be completed even if the data is not used by your financial system.
  • From time to time Cloudscape might make modifications to the spreadsheet template.  We recommend that you download the template each time you start this workflow to ensure you are using the latest version
  • When entering data into the template, you can duplicate cells by selecting one cell, then dragging and copying down a column.
  • When dragging and copying numbers, ensure the rows aren't incrementing, e.g. when copying a Project Number.  To stop the number incrementing - select the copy cells option in your spreadsheet.
  • Do not enter any data in the ID column. This identifier is auto-generated by the Virtual Super.
  • Data copied from another source (e.g. not the spreadsheet template) is not checked for validity and can stop the import to the Virtual Super.  To work around this, choose the Excel option paste with values, which triggers a validity check.