Subcontractor Admins - How to Invoice Dockets
The following workflow is one method that subcontractors can use for invoicing dockets in the Virtual Superintendent.
The State of dockets in the Virtual Super is important when invoicing. Once dockets reach the Approved state, they are typically ready to be invoiced.
You need to use the Virtual Super and your accounting software together for this invoicing workflow.
The Invoicing Workflow:
- Filter to find Approved dockets in the Virtual Super.
- Generate a trial export file.
- Generate an invoice for these dockets, using your accounting software.
- Apply Invoice Number to the dockets.
- Generate a final export file of the dockets and send it with the invoice to the head contractor.
The workflow for subcontractor administrators invoicing dockets in the Virtual Super is outlined below in more detail.
Filter to find approved dockets
- Go to the Dockets Page of the Virtual Super
- Click on the Filter area at the top of the State column
Click image for larger view
Select the Approved option
Applying this filter means that only Approved dockets will be displayed on the Dockets page.
Approved dockets are ready to be invoiced.
Generate a trial export file
At this stage, you need to generate a trial export file, called a Detailed CSV, so that the details of the Approved dockets can be viewed. You will use this CSV file as a guide when generating an invoice using your accounting software.
Before you can run a trial export file, you need to use the filter areas to find the dockets that are in an Approved State.
Click image for larger view
- Keep the same Approved State filter in place
- Select the filtered dockets
- Press the Export button
- Choose Detailed CSV
The Detailed CSV (export file) will be found in your downloads area and will show all of the details of the Approved dockets in a spreadsheet.
Generate Invoice for Selected Approved Dockets
You are now ready to generate an invoice using your accounting software.
This step is not completed in the Virtual Super.
Apply Invoice Number to Dockets in Virtual Super
You can now apply the Invoice Number generated in your accounting software to the dockets in the Virtual Super.
Click image for larger view
Go to your Dockets Page in the Virtual Super
- Filter by Approved State
- Select the filtered dockets
- Press the Bulk Actions button
- Select Invoice
- Enter the Invoice Number in the dialog
- Press Invoice then press Invoice again to confirm
The dockets will now have the Invoice Number applied. This will be displayed in the Invoice Number column on your Dockets page in the Virtual Super.
The head contractor will see this Invoice Number on their Dockets page and will be able to match the dockets with the invoice. This also helps both the head contractor and the subcontractor to understand which dockets relate to which invoice.
Generate Final Detailed CSV Export File
Now you can invoice these dockets, with your Invoice Number included. To do this, you will need to generate a final Detailed CSV Export file.
Click image for larger view
- Filter by Approved dockets and the Invoice Number
- Select the dockets
- Press the Export button
- Select Detailed CSV
Now that the Invoice number has been applied and you have generated an invoice for the work completed, you are ready to email your Invoice and the final Detailed CSV to the head contractor.
NOTE - Do not be confused with the For Invoicing (Oracle) option - this is an old capability that is very specific to a small number of customers and generally should be ignored. The Detailed CSV is the correct option to select.