Install LoadRite L2180
It is possible to share data from a LoadRite L2180 device with the SafeSite mobile app, allowing weight data to automatically populate in Virtual Weighbridge (VWB) dockets.
Follow the steps outlined in this article to install a LoadRite L2180 device into a machine and configure it to share data with a SafeSite phone.
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You need the following for the install
- 1 x LoadRite L2180 device (Contact LoadRite)
- 1 x LoadRite wire harness to expose the CanBus wires (Contact LoadRite)
- 1 x mobile phone to run SafeSite
- 1 x Virtual Super LoadRite cable (see image below)
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Install a LoadRite L2180 in a Machine
The LoadRite L2180 device needs to be installed so that it can share data with the SafeSite mobile app, allowing loader operators to create VWB dockets.
NOTE: Occasionally the green wire on the CanBus connection is white with a yellow stripe, as demonstrated below:
Follow these steps to install a LoadRite L2180 device and connect a SafeSite phone
1. Hook up the new wire harness to the LoadRite L2180 device to expose the CanBus wires.
Contact LoadRite for details.
2. Enable the CanBus Code on the LoadRite L2180 device - this is a security access code.
Contact LoadRite for these details.
3. Connect the power supply on the Virtual Super LoadRite cable to a 12-24v DC power feed in the machine - this provides power to the SafeSite phone to keep it charged and running.
4. Connect the wire harness from the Virtual Super LoadRite cable to the LoadRite CanBus wire harness.
5. Plug the USB-C connection from the Virtual Super LoadRite cable into the SafeSite phone.
6. In the SafeSite dialog, tick the box beside "Always open SafeSite when USB Serial is connected", then press OK.
7. Sign-on to SafeSite on the phone and check the connection between the SafeSite phone and the LoadRite L2180:
If a green connected icon is displayed, the install is complete and ready to record VWB dockets.
If a red error icon is displayed, there the issue is likely one of the following:
- The phone is not physically connected to the USB-C cable ~ Unplug the SafeSite phone and retry
- The connecting phone does not have the right specs on the USB-C port (see the web link in the cheatsheet to check the phone specs).
- There is a cable fault
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If you have checked the connections and the phone specs and the error icon is still displaying, please contact
NOTE: Before the SafeSite app can talk to a LoadRite system it must be configured to do so.
Please contact Cloudscape on to ensure that any SafeSite device you are connecting to a LoadRite system is configured correctly.