Edit Item Code Price

It is possible to edit an Item Code to reflect a price change. It is important to note that the price can only be changed to reflect a future price change, therefore the earliest date you can set the change for is tomorrow.

Once an Item Code has been created, the Price field can be edited to suit any future price changes.  

All historical price changes can also be viewed in the History tab of any Item Code.

Edit Item Code Price

Click image for larger view

  • It the Dockets Setup page, click on the Item Code tab
  • Filter to find the relevant item and click to open
  • Press the orange Edit button beside the Price field
  • In the Edit Item Prices dialog, press Add New Price
  • Set the Active From date (the earliest this can be set for is tomorrow)
  • Enter the new Price
  • Press Save

The Scheduled price change can only be edited or removed before the Active From date:

  • Press the orange Edit button beside the Price field
  • Press Remove to remove the scheduled price change or simply edit the Price
  • Press Save
  • The earliest the Active From date can be set to is tomorrow, i.e. the Price cannot be edited for today's date.
  • Scheduled prices can only be edited / removed before the Active From date.
  • There is a limit to one price change for any given date.

View historical prices for the Item

Select the History tab to view:

  • All historic Price changes for the Item Code
  • Who authorised each change
  • The date that each change was authorised

Click image for larger view