Electronic dockets Instructions for Foremen

The following is an overview of how an electronic docket is Cost Coded and processed by a Foreman using the SafeSite mobile app and the Virtual Superintendent (Virtual Super).

This article is divided into the following sections:

  • An Introduction to the Virtual Super
  • Useful Information for Foremen
  • The Lifecycle of an Electronic Docket
  • Foreman Cost Coding and Accepting an Electronic Docket

An Introduction to the Virtual Super

The Virtual Superintendent is an online, cloud-based solution which gathers data from a range of sources, including the SafeSite mobile app, allowing Head Contractors to monitor accurately the safety, financial and productivity aspects of their construction projects.  SafeSite is the free mobile app used by Subcontractors to capture the data, which feeds into the Virtual Superintendent, allowing Head Contractors to create invoices, manage plant/labour safety, and to understand the movement of materials around their project.

The graphic below briefly lists how SafeSite and the Virtual Superintendent are utilised by all employees on a construction site to create and process an electronic docket.

Once you have installed and registered the SafeSite app on your mobile device, you are ready to start processing the electronic dockets Submitted to you by your Subcontractors. 

Click here to see instructions on installing and registering the SafeSite app.

You will also need to create an account for the Virtual Super.  To do this you need to speak to the Administrator in charge of the Virtual Superintendent for your project.

Useful Information for Foremen

  • Electronic dockets are a way for Subcontractors to record the work they have done without using paper-based systems.
  • Electronic dockets are recorded using the free SafeSite app on an Apple or Android smartphone.
  • The electronic dockets system also records Chain of Responsibility data, allowing Foremen to see if their Subcontractors/Plant are fit to be working.
  • A Subcontractor should be asked to create a draft electronic docket at the start of each work day.  
  • During the day, the Subcontractor can fill in the details on the docket, including adding any Attachments or Allowances that they can claim.
  • At the end of the day, the Subcontractor Submits the electronic docket to the Foreman.  The Foreman uses the Virtual Superintendent website or the SafeSite mobile app to Cost Code the docket, split it between Foremen if necessary, then send it to the relevant Engineer.
  • Foremen can view any photos taken by the Subcontractor and attached to their electronic docket.  Photos might include - work completed, work in progress, issues found.
  • Foremen can add photos to the electronic docket.  These are able to be viewed by internal staff and the Subcontractor.
  • Foremen can view any Remarks made by the Subcontractor on their electronic docket.
  • Foremen can add Internal Remarks to an electronic docket.  Any Internal Remarks should start with their initials, allowing others to see who has made each remark.  It is important to note that any Foreman Internal Remarks can only be seen internal staff - not by the Subcontractor.
  • If a Foreman thinks a Submitted docket is incorrect, they can Reject and add Comments.  The docket will automatically return to the Subcontractor to be fixed.
  • Some Subcontractors are concerned that Foremen or other Head Contractor staff can alter the hours that they have recorded on their docket - this is not possible.  If the incorrect hours are recorded by a Subcontractor the docket will be Rejected by the Foreman and sent back to the Subcontractor for altering.

The lifecycle of an Electronic Docket

The Virtual Superintendent captures data from a range of sources, including the SafeSite mobile app. Using SafeSite, a Subcontractor creates an electronic docket and Submits this to their Foreman.  This docket is processed by a Foreman and reviewed by an Engineer before being loaded into the Head Contractor's financial system for invoicing.

Click image for larger view

Foreman Cost Coding and Accepting an Electronic Docket

There are 2 ways for a Foreman to Cost Code and Accept an electronic docket:

  • Using the Virtual Super website
  • Using SafeSite on your mobile device

It may be easier to review, Cost Code and Accept dockets on a larger screen using the Virtual Super on your computer.

Review Dockets in the Virtual Super

  • Log into the Virtual Super
  • Press the Menu button on the top right of the page
  • Select the Dockets Foreman page

From the Dockets Foreman page you will see:

  • All of the dockets that have been assigned to you
  • The dockets that require your attention will have the status of Submitted

From the Dockets Foreman page you can:

  • Click on any docket to open and review the details
  • Filter the dockets by typing into the Filter Areas at the top of each column
  • View the photos taken by subcontractors and are able to add photos, if necessary
  • View the Remarks made by subcontractors
  • Add Internal Remarks which are only seen by internal staff

Docket Status Explained:

  • Draft - Dockets created by a Subcontractor but not yet Submitted
  • Submitted - Dockets ready to be processed by a Foreman
  • Accepted - Processed and Accepted by a Foreman and awaiting Engineer Approval
  • Approved - Engineer has approved the docket.  It is ready to be sent to the financial system for invoicing
  • Rejected - A docket Rejected by the Foreman is sent back to a Subcontractor to be fixed
  • Declined - An Engineer can Decline a docket and it will be sent back to the Foreman for fixing
  • Invoiced - A docket that has been exported for invoicing.

Click image for larger view

Process Dockets

  • Press the Items to Reconcile button (top right of the page) to view the dockets that need your action
  • Click on any docket to open it
  • Fill in all of the red fields, as shown in the example docket below
  • You can either type in the cost code number or start typing the text to narrow the options in the Cost Code list
  • If the details in the docket are incorrect, you can Reject it and the docket will be sent back to the subcontractor to be fixed
  • The Save & Accept button will not be available until you have filled in all of the necessary fields
  • Once your have Accepted the docket, the State will change to Accepted and it will be sent to your Engineer for Approval

Click image to expand

Click image to expand

Cost Code and Accept Dockets in SafeSite

Whilst it is easier to review dockets using the Virtual Super, using SafeSite allows you to review and process dockets from anywhere on your mobile phone. 

Follow the steps shown in the graphic below to cost code and Accept a docket using the SafeSite mobile app.

Click image to expand

A Detailed look at an Electronic Docket in the SafeSite app

The graphic below explains the parts of an electronic docket to help you to understand how to process dockets as a Foreman.

Click image to expand