The Virtual Superintendent Map Features
This article outlines the various features of the Maps page in the Virtual Superintendent.
The features of the Mapping page explained in this article are:
Users Tab:
The Users panel on the left hand side of your map allows you to view all plant and people that are currently signed on to your project. There are two methods for displaying this information.
- 1
- View all Toggle: To view/hide all Users currently logged on, toggle the button at the top of the toggle column.
- 2
- Search Users Area:
To search for a specific person or plant, type their name into the Search Users field to the left of your map. Click on the icon beside their name to fly to them on your map to find their exact location.
User Settings:
User settings are the tools required to select and display data to better understand certain operations on site. Press the Settings button to view the Settings menu, where you can filter which data displays on your map.
Settings Explained:
Show All Plant:
Select to display the last reported position of all plant (not people), including plant that are no longer online (signed-on). This allows site managers to quickly locate plant items and enables superintendents to assess plant availability for hire to nearby projects.
Show Icons:
Select to show plant/people icons on the map. This allows you to see where all plant/people, who are signed on, are located on site. Each icon is unique to a specific Plant or Labour type.
Show Labels:
Select to show plant/people labels to be displayed under each icon on the map.
Note: The colour of the dot represents the last time a position was recorded by this person/plant. See the graphic below for more information.
Use 3D Icons / Labels:
Select to always view icons in 3D with labels. Labels can be colour coded on a per supplier basis. This is completed when on-boarding Suppliers in the Virtual Super. See this article for more information.
Show Legend:
Tick this box to display the legend which allows you to interpret the data.
Toggle on the Trail:
To view the last 30 minutes of positions for any plant/people who are signed on, press the trail Icon to the far right of their name in your panel. You are able to turn all plant/people trails on, or just select one. You can view longer periods (up to 24 hours) of data from the Timeline Features in the Virtual Superintendent. See the end of this article for more detail on the Timeline Features.
Colour Positions by Speed:
Select the Colour positions by speed feature to view plant/people trails to get an approximate understanding of their speed on site. Each dot is coloured to match the speed bands in the Positions legend. To see specific details, click on any dot to view a pop-up window displaying more information.
Halo Speeding Positions:
Select the Halo Speeding Positions feature to display where any speeding events have occurred in any of the data you are viewing. To see more detail, click on a dot to view a pop-up window.
Heatmap Speeding Positions:
Selecting the Heatmap Speeding Positions feature displays a colour gradient representing the density of speeding events; yellow being less dense and red being more dense. This feature indicates areas where there are speeding events occurring frequently. You are able to click on any position to view a pop-up window with more detail.
Heatmap Position Density:
Select the Heatmap Positions Density feature to show areas of plant/people density on site. The dots will be blue in areas with less density of plant/people or red where there is more density. This allows you to interpret the data to understand areas of congestion, heavy work or slow movement on site.
Layers Tab
The Layers tab allows you to view Events and geofences within your construction site. A geofence is an electronic polygon which defines an Area and it's purpose.
Expand the Events menu to see a list of the Events that can be toggled on to be viewed on your map. Events that have occurred within the last 30 minutes will be displayed when toggled on. However, you can use your timeline tool to change the Date and Time in order to view historical Event data.
Use the Grid icon to show any events as hexagons on the map. Click on the hexagon to reveal event details. Alternatively, press the show grid labels icon to display event details on the site map.
Below, a site map displays Load and Dump events with additional load details provided as labels. The height of the Event icon (hexagon) allows you to understand quantities at a glance. By turning the User Defined Areas (geofences) on, you can also understand where the Event occurred on-site.
Click on any Event to see the details:
Some Events, for example Load / Dump Events, contain additional linked details, i.e. clicking on a Dump Event will show the Dump details and the corresponding Load details in the pop-up.
Viewing Geometries:
To view geofences, toggle the button on/off to the right of the User defined areas field. You can filter the geometries shown on your map by pressing the red Filters button and then selecting from the 3 options:
Active - Project geometries which are currently set to Active. Inactive - Project geometries which are currently set to Inactive. When toggled ON, you will be able to view them on your map but they will not trigger any notifications. Archived - Project geometries that have been archived. To view these, you would need to reactivate them.
You can click on the exterior line of any geofence on the map to reveal a pop-up outlining useful details. Press the > beside User defined areas to see a list of all geofences on your project. You can toggle on/off specific areas rather than viewing all.
Fly to Chosen Geofence Location:
You are able to fly to the location of a chosen geofence on your map by pressing the polygon icon beside it's title in the list of User defined areas.
See this article to learn how to create geofences on your site map.
Charts Tab:
The Charts tab allows you to view specific information about your project from your Reports page directly on your Map. It is divided into 3 categories - Custom Chart, Custom Dashboard and Load Counts.
By default the map page has no charts displayed, but it is possible to add charts and save these to your maps page in a layout that suits you. When saved, this layout will be displayed each time you return to the maps page in the future.
Default and Saved Layout Settings:
The default and saved layout settings are contained in the title bar of the Virtual Superintendent. See the graphic below for a description of the layout title bar.
To view your default map (without any charts) press the default layout icon at the top of your maps page. To view your saved layout (with selected charts displayed on the map) press the saved layout icon. To edit your map layout, press the press the edit (pencil) icon. You are able to click and drag the charts and position them on your maps page. As you drag your charts around the map, you will see a red area beneath the chart, this is the area which is available for you to move your chart to. Ensure that when you place the chart/graph, it is placed within the map boundaries. Charts cannot be placed over the top of another chart. You are able to set the opacity of the graph to suit your preferences by sliding the blue button left or right along the opacity control.
Once you are happy with the layout, press the save changes button. Alternatively, press cancel changes to revert to your prior saved layout.
Custom Chart:
A custom chart is a single question about your project which, when toggled to on, is displayed as a chart overlaying your maps page. Each chart answers one specific question about your project. The information in your custom chart automatically updates as more on-site data becomes available. A custom chart is set up for you by Cloudscape staff.
Viewing your Custom Charts:
Press on the > beside the Custom Chart field in the panel to the left of your map to view a list of all available custom charts for your project. Toggle the button on/off to the right of the selected custom chart to display it overlaying your map.
Note: If you want the Custom Chart to be saved to the maps page so that it is displayed each time you return to this page, press the save changes button (found in your title bar) to save the new layout. Click here to view the title bar graphic.
Custom Dashboards:
A Custom Dashboard is a series of specific questions about your project, displayed as variety of charts and graphs on your map. Press the > beside the Custom Dashboard field in the menu to the left of your map to view a list of the Custom Dashboards available for your project. Toggle the button on/off to the right of the Custom Dashboard you want displayed on your maps page. The information in your Custom Dashboard automatically updates as more data becomes available.
Custom Dashboards are set up for you by Cloudscape staff.
Note: If you want the Custom Dashboard to be saved to the maps page so that it is displayed each time you return to this page, you must press save changes button to save this layout. Click here to view the title bar graphic.
Load Counts:
Load Count charts display real time volumes and load count data pictorially as charts/graphs overlaying your Map. Press the > beside Load Counts in the Menu to view a list of the Load Count Reports available for your project. Toggle the button on/off to the right of the Load Count that you want displayed on your map.
Displaying the Load Count Reports
From the Reports Page of the Virtual Superintendent, you can alter the way your Load Count graph is displayed on your Maps page. Press the three dots to the top right of your saved Load Count Report in the Reports Page. You can select from 3 options - fit to report or fit to data or Show/Hide Projection (Beta).
Fit to Report- Displays the specified time range of the entire report in your graph. Fit to Data- Displays the current data within your specified time range. Show/Hide Projection (Beta) - Press this to show or hide the projection line from your chart.
The option that you select here dictates the way your chart is displayed on your Map.
To view the load count report in greater detail, press the three dots at the top right of the graph displayed on your map. Select the View Report option and you will be redirected to the relevant report on your Reports page.
Search in the Charts tab:
If you know the name of the report you want to view, type the title into the Search charts field, then toggle on to display it on your Map.
Viewing targets:
Targets that you have set in the load count reports page will be visible on the relevant charts/graphs displayed on your map.
Map Tool Kit
The Map tools are the tools needed to utilise the Maps page. On the top right hand side of your Maps page, you will see the following icons, each representing a specific map related tool.
2D and 3D settings:
You are able to view your map in 2D or 3D. The 3D view profiles your map in three dimensions allowing you to view it in the real-world view. This is particularly useful if digital elevation data has been loaded on your project showing the true ground level. You are able to rotate your map by pressing and holding the right button on your mouse as you move the curser around on your map.
Rain Radar:
You are able to view a current or historical rain radar by pressing the cloud icon. To view data, you need to zoom out until the icon turns green. When the icon is red, you are unable to view the data because you are too close to the map. You can view historical rain by using the Timeline function:
- Set the period start and period end that you wish to view, alternatively you can view current rain data by pressing the live button - Set the speed you want to view the data - Press the cloud icon to turn the rain radar on
- Press the play button
Note: You are only able to view historical weather data for 7 days which is how long BOM store this data for.
Example of Rain Radar using the Timeline Function
Editing and Creating Geofences:
Press the pencil icon to reveal the geofence creation/editing panel. From this panel, you can view/create/edit points, lines or areas on your map. To view/hide existing geofences, toggle the button on/off beside the user defined areas at the top of your panel. Alternatively, you can choose to view one geofence by toggling the one button on/off.
You can also filter to view just one geofence by keying the title of the geofence you would like to view in the Filters field. Press the icon to fly to that geofence on the map.
Creating Points, Lines and Geofences on your map:
To create points, lines and geofences, press the pencil icon from your maps tool kit to display the following panel. From within this panel, you have the tools to create and edit points, lines and geofences.
The following graphic explains how to create points, lines and geofences:
Timeline Features
The Timeline feature allows you to play back selected data at a variety of speeds. Press the ^ beside the date and time on the bottom right of your maps page to view the Timeline.
From the Timeline window, you can key in the period start date, period end date, and the speed that you want the data replayed.
To change the period start date, press on the date currently displayed then select the new date on the pop-up calendar. Press OK. The following graphic shows how to set the new time.
Repeat this process for the period end date/time.
Note: You are able to display up to 24 hours of data on your Timeline.
Press the play button to view your data. You can drag the dot icon up and down the Timeline to view a specific time. Press the live button at any stage to view live data. This button will be blue when it is turned on.
Here is an example of Timeline data being played back at x10 speed:
In conjunction with the Timeline, you are able to enable/disable some plant/people to view specific data in isolation.