Create Geofences on your Site Map in the Virtual Super
Using the map tool kit in the Virtual Super, head contractors are able to draw geofences to highlight and define areas of interest on their site map.
Geofences are electronic polygons used to highlight areas on the map, and the purpose for that area. They are created in the Layers tab of the Maps page.
Once created, geofences are used to collect entry and exit data, including loading and disposal events.
Click image for larger view
Create a New Geofence
If you need to create a new geofence, you do so using your Map tools.
- Go to your Map tool kit
- Press the edit (pencil) icon to reveal the editing panel (to the right of your screen).
- Press the draw polygon icon.
To draw the geofence outline on your map, click your mouse to generate dots which will be joined with a line. To complete the geofence outline, double click your mouse.
Enter the relevant details of the new geofence in the Add new polygon dialog , as demonstrated below.
**Name (required) : Enter a unique name for the area
Add a description: Add a brief description
Selectable in dockets: Select this to allow the geofence to be an available location for selection in dockets. By default, this is selected
**Purpose: Select the purpose for the geofence from the drop menu
Approved PBS disposal site: Tick the selection box if this area is an approved PBS disposal site
Approved SPECTS disposal site: Tick the selection box if this area is an approved SPECTS disposal site
Speed Limit (km/hr): Enter the maximum speed limit
Active from: Enter the date that the geofence starts recording entry/exit data
Active to: Enter the date that the geofence stops recording entry/exit data. After the Active to date has passed, the geofence will have an Inactive state. An Inactive geofence can be viewed on the map but will not record data
Repopulate Entry Exits: Select this to apply historical entry/exit data to the geofence
(NOTE: Fields marked with ** are compulsory fields)
- Press OK in the dialog
- Press the Save Changes button in the editing panel to save this geofence.
The new geofence can now be viewed on your maps page.
Editing your Geofence in the Virtual Super
From the editing panel on your Layers tab of the Maps page, there are a number of options for editing your geofences.
- Click the edit (pencil) icon in your Map tool kit
- Use the Search field at the top of the editing panel to key in the geofence name
- Click the 3 vertical dots beside the geofence
- Select from the options in the drop menu (see definitions below)
Export as KML: Export a KML file detailing the geographical information of the geofence.
Edit Properties: Edit any of the settings for the geofence
Archive: Project geofences that have been Archived can no longer be viewed on the map and do not record data. To view these on the map you need to restore them
Duplicate: Select to create a duplicate draft geofence which will be in the exact location as the original geofence. Give the duplicate geofence a unique Name, edit any of the relevant fields then press OK to save the details.
IMPORTANT: With any changes made, you must remember to press the Save Changes button in the editing panel.
Viewing Geometries on your Map
In the filter panel, press the > beside User defined areas. This will display a list of all existing geofences for your project which will be categorised by their purpose, e.g. Cut areas.
To view all existing geofences on your site map, toggle the User defined areas field on.
Click image for larger view
To refine this view and display only selected geofences, toggle individual or groups of geofences on/off from within the filter panel.
Click image for larger view
To fly to a specific geofence area on your map, press the polygon icon to the left of it in the filter panel.
Filter to View Geofences by State
You can choose which geofences display on the map by filtering by the following States.
Active: Active geofences which are recording entry and exit data and can trigger notifications
Inactive: Geofences with a historical Active to date are able to be viewed on the map but no longer record new data or trigger notifications
Archived: Geofences which have been manually archived are unable to be viewed on the map or trigger notifications
- In your Map tool kit, press the edit (pencil) icon
- In the User defined areas panel, press the FILTERS button
Select from Active, Inactive or Archived.
It is possible to tick one or more of these selection boxes
This Knowledge Base article explains all of the features of your Map page, including the Users, Layers and Charts tabs.