Invite Virtual Superintendent Users
A head contractor administrator who is a User Admin or Admin Manager can invite new users, including subcontractor administrators, to create a Virtual Super login. They can also edit other user's permissions in the Virtual Super.
Click on the links below to go to the following sections of this article:
- Invite a New Virtual Super User to Create a Login
- Invite a Dockets Supervisor to Create a Virtual Super Login
- Invite a Subcontractor Administrator to Create a Virtual Super Login
- User Admin Edits Virtual Super User Permissions
When a new user needs to create a Virtual Super login, they will be directed to the person overseeing the Virtual Super for their project. This person will be set up as a User Admin, allowing them to invite new users and edit user permissions. A person with the Admin Manager permission can also invite new users.
This article explains the SafeSite and Virtual Super user permissions.
Follow the steps below to invite a new user to create a Virtual Super login.
Invite a New Virtual Super User to Create a Login:
- Login to the Virtual Super
- Go to the Menu
- Select the Users Page
At the top of your Users page, you will see a series of tabs.
- Select the Virtual Superintendent Users tab
From this page, you will see a list of all of the Virtual Superintendent users and their permissions.
- Press the orange Invite User button on the top right of your screen
- Type their email address into the User Details area then select them from the list. If they are not in the list, press the blue Invite New User button.
Set the permissions for that user by toggling on/off from the list - each role has slightly different access to the Virtual Super.
This article explains the SafeSite and Virtual Super user permissions.
- Press Invite
In the example below, Freddie has been set up as a Dockets Engineer in the Virtual Super.
NOTE: Exercise caution with the Dockets Engineer Bulk Approve and the Dockets Supervisor Bulk Accept permissions.
In the Virtual Superintendent users list, an icon in the Accepted ? column will indicate if the user has accepted their invitation or if their response is pending.
Invite a Dockets Supervisor to Create a Virtual Super Login
If you invite a Dockets Supervisor to create a login, ensure that you link the individual's Virtual Superintendent user details with their SafeSite user details. This allows supervisors the ability to Accept dockets using the Virtual Super and/or SafeSite.
- Enter their email address into the User details field
- Start keying their name into the Link to Supervisor Mobile User area and select them from the list
- Toggle the Dockets Supervisor permission on
- Press Invite
Edit existing Virtual Super User Permissions
If the person is an existing Virtual Super user it is easy to edit their permissions to make them a Dockets Supervisor.
- From the Users page, select the Virtual Superintendent Users tab
- Type the person's email address into the Filter area
- Press the edit icon (pencil) beside their name to open their User permissions
- Toggle Docket Supervisor to On
- Type their name into the Link to Supervisor Mobile User field and select them from the list
- Press Update
Invite a Subcontractor Administrator to Create a Virtual Super Login
Providing subcontractor admins with a user login for the Virtual Super allows them to view only the dockets for their subcontractors and have the ability to invite new SafeSite users.
Click image for larger view
- Enter their email address in the User details area
- Enter their company name in the Supplier area
- Toggle the Subcontractor Admin permission ON
- Press Invite
NOTE: The General User permission will be on and cannot be edited, as explained previously. By default, the User Admin permission is toggled On. This permission allows subcontractor admins access to the Users page of the Virtual Super where they can create new SafeSite users independently rather than relying on head contractors to do this on their behalf. If you toggle this permission Off, you will need to invite their subcontractors to create SafeSite accounts.
Edit User Permissions
As a head contractor with the User Admin or Admin Manager permission, you can edit existing permissions given to current Virtual Superintendent users. You may need to do this, for example, if a person's Role changes within the company.
Follow these steps to edit user permissions:
- Go to the Users page
- Select the Virtual Superintendent Users tab
- Press the pencil icon beside the existing user you wish to edit
- Toggle on/off to enable/disable permissions
- Press Update to save the changes
If you wish to delete the user -
- Press the bin icon beside their name
- You will be asked to Confirm that you wish to remove the user.
- Press Confirm
Click image for larger view