Head Contractor Admins Working with Electronic Dockets

Head contractor admins can review electronic dockets and generate export files from the Dockets Admin page of the Virtual Super.

This article will explain how admins can do each of the following actions in the Virtual Super:

  • View your Dockets
  • Review Dockets
  • Generate Export files

View your Dockets

To view all of the dockets for your project that have been processed by foremen and engineers you need to log in to the Virtual Super and follow the steps outlined below:

  • Login to the Virtual Super at www.myvirtualsuper.com
  • Press the Menu button (top right)
  • Select the Dockets Admin page

Your Dockets Admin page will display all of the electronic dockets for your project.

Click image for larger view

Docket Status

Draft - Dockets created by a subcontractor but not yet Submitted.

Submitted - Dockets ready to be processed by a foreman.

Accepted - Processed and Accepted by a foreman and awaiting engineer Approval.

Approved - Engineer has Approved the docket. It is ready to be sent to the financial system for invoicing.

Rejected - The foreman has Rejected a docket and it has been sent back to the subcontractor for fixing.

Declined - An engineer can Decline a docket and it will be sent back to the foreman for fixing.

Oracle - A docket that is ready for invoicing (this state is not frequently used anymore)

Invoiced - A docket that has been exported for invoicing.

Review Dockets

A head contractor admin can open and review the history and details of an electronic docket from the Virtual Super.

From the Dockets Admin page:

Click on any docket to open it

Any dockets with a warning may need to be investigated

You are able to view more dockets on the screen by changing the setting for the rows per page (bottom right of the screen). You can display 10, 25, 50 or 100 rows per page.

A detailed look at the parts of an electronic docket with an Approved state

Click image for larger view

Generate Export Files

Admins can generate export files from the Dockets Admin page.

Click image for larger view

  • Filter to find the dockets using the pre-filter window or the filter areas at the top of each column.

    To view the dockets that are ready to be processed, press the Items to Reconcile button at the top right of the screen. This will filter the dockets so that only the Approved dockets are displayed. Dockets that are Approved are ready for invoicing.

    NOTE: The Items Outstanding button reveals the dockets that are awaiting action from foremen and engineers.

  • Select the dockets you want to Export by ticking one of the selection boxes (top left of docket list)

Click image for larger view

  • Once the dockets are selected, the Export button will appear (top left of screen).

    Press the Export button and select the type of export file you want to generate (see below for a brief description).

Click image for larger view

The export file contains the details which are to be uploaded into your financial system


The For Oracle option is only used by head contractors using the Oracle financial system. It is not frequently used anymore.

If you select For Oracle, you will be asked to confirm this action and then a CSV file will be created in your downloads area with all of the required details to be loaded into your financial system.

Exporting for Oracle changes the State of the selected dockets from Approved to Oracle.

This signals to subcontractor admins that the docket is ready to be invoiced.

Useful links for head contractors

The following articles demonstrate how head contractor admins process dockets for invoicing.

Head contractor Administrator - Exports Dockets for Invoicing

Archiving / Unarchiving and Undeleting Dockets