Invite a Supervisor to Create a Virtual Superintendent Login

It important when inviting a Dockets Supervisor to create a Virtual Super login that their SafeSite user details are linked to their Virtual Super user details.  A head contractor administrator with the User Admin permission is able to invite new users or edit existing user permissions.

When a Dockets Supervisor needs to create a Virtual Super login, they will be directed to the person overseeing the Virtual Super for their project.  This person will be set up as a User Admin, allowing them to invite new Users and edit User Permissions. See this article to see the user permissions explained.

When inviting a Dockets Supervisor to create a Virtual Super login it is important that their SafeSite and Virtual Super user details are linked.  This allows them to Accept the dockets assigned to them using both the Virtual Super and the SafeSite mobile app.

Invite a Docket Supervisor to create a Virtual Super login

  • Login to the Virtual Super
  • Go to the Menu
  • Select the Users page

At the top of your Users page, you will see a series of tabs.  

  • Select the Virtual Superintendent Users tab, where you will see a list of all of the Virtual Super users for your project and their permissions.

  • Press the orange Invite User button on the top right of your screen
  • Type their email address into the User Details area then select them from the list
  • Press the Invite New User button

    NOTE: This selects the user it does not send the invite

  • Toggle Dockets Supervisor On
  • Start typing their name into the Link to Supervisor Mobile User field then select them from the list
  • Press Invite

Click image for larger view


The General User permission allows the user entry level access to the Virtual Super.  This cannot be toggled on or off.

The Dockets Supervisor Bulk Accept permission allows the user to Accept multiple dockets together. Exercise caution with this powerful permission. Supervisors are expected to review dockets closely. This permission may encourage some supervisor to gloss over dockets without reviewing them closely.

Edit existing Virtual Super User Permissions

If the person is an existing Virtual Super user, edit their permissions to make them a Dockets Supervisor.

  • From the Users page, select the Virtual Superintendent Users tab
  • Type the person's email address into the Filter area
  • Press the edit icon (pencil) beside their name to open their User permissions
  • Toggle Docket Supervisor On
  • Type their name into the Link to Supervisor Mobile User field and select them from the list
  • It is optional to toggle Docket Supervisor Bulk Accept on
  • Press Update