Create a New Cost Code

A head contractor admin with the Dockets Super User or Admin Manager permission can access the Dockets Setup page, where they are able to create, view or edit cost codes for their project.

Cost codes define the type of work that has been completed and assign the cost to the right budget. A cost code is selected by a foreman when Accepting electronic dockets, allowing money to be allocated to the appropriate project budget

Create a new Cost Code

  • Go to the Dockets Setup page
  • Select the Cost Codes tab
  • Press the Add Cost Code button
  • Enter the details of the new cost code (see the graphic below)
  • Add Owner(s) *optional
  • Add Stakeholder(s) *optional
  • Press Save

Add Owner(s) *optional

Cost codes can be "owned" by specific engineers. The purpose of this is to make it easier for a foreman to correctly assign the right engineer to a docket by restricting the engineers available based on the cost code selection.

Cost codes with owners are also referred to as locked cost codes.

Cost codes can have one or more engineer assigned as owners. Where multiple engineers are assigned as owners, one must be set as the default owner.

When a foreman is cost coding the dockets assigned to them and selects a cost code with owner(s) the default engineer will be assigned to the docket automatically. If the foreman select the engineer first, they will see a reduced list of available cost codes.

See this support article for more details, user instruction and support videos.


Head contractor Virtual Superintendent users with the Dockets Super User or Admin Manager permission can both assign "owners" to cost codes.

However, in the situation where a foreman is processing their foreman dockets and is unable to select the right engineer because they have not been assigned as an owner to a cost code, ONLY a Super User is able to solve this issue. A Super User can assign an any engineer to a docket, regardless of cost code ownership.

Add Stakeholder(s) *optional

It is possible to assign specific people to a cost code to help track expenditure on a per person basis. You can assign one or more Stakeholders.

NOTE: If you have added a Stakeholder(s):

We are actively putting together dashboards to represent this data. Feel free to reach out to us at if your project needs a specific dashboard representing cost code ownership.