Bulk Import Cost Codes in the Virtual Super via Excel Template
A head contractor admin with the Dockets Super User or Admin Manager permission can access the Dockets Setup page in the Virtual Super to bulk import or edit cost codes using a downloadable Excel template.
A cost code is selected by a supervisor when accepting the dockets assigned to them, allowing money to be allocated to the appropriate project budget. This support article will explain how to bulk import or bulk edit cost codes in the Virtual Super using a downloadable Excel template.
NOTE: Cost codes can also be manually created, as out lined here.
Download the Excel Template in the Virtual Super
A head contractor Virtual Superintendent user with the Dockets Super User or Admin Manager permission can download a blank or populated template from the Cost Codes tab of the Dockets Setup page.
Blank Template:
The blank template is used to bulk import new cost codes. To ensure the downloaded template is blank, leave the populate with existing cost codes box unchecked.
Populated Template:
The populated template contains all existing project cost codes, enabling the user to make bulk edits efficiently. To ensure the downloaded template is populated, check the populate with existing cost codes box.
The Workflow
It is important to download a new template each time you start this workflow to ensure you have the latest version.
A head contractor Dockets Super User or Admin Manager can download the template in the Virtual Super, by following these steps:
- Go to the Dockets Setup page
- Click on the Cost Codes tab.
Press the Import button and select Download Template.
- Check the 'populate with existing cost codes' box to download a populated template, alternatively leave this unchecked to download a blank template.
- In the Import Cost Codes Sheet, enter data for new cost codes in the blank template or edit existing cost codes in the populated template.
- Save the template to your computer.
- Go back to the Cost Code tab.
Press the Import button and select Upload Cost Codes.
In the Import Cost Codes dialog, select the saved file from your computer and press Upload.
If there are any errors in your template these will be highlighted now and need to be edited. You will then need to repeat steps 5-9.
- Press Upload then Confirm
The new or edited cost codes will upload and display in the list of cost codes in the Virtual Super. This process can take a few seconds, depending on the number of cost codes being imported.
Required Columns
Required columns are coloured blue in the template.
- Cost Code: Enter a unique identifier for each cost code.
- Name: Enter a name for each cost code.
- Project Number: Enter the project number that the cost code will be assigned to.
Active Yes or No:
Active Yes: The cost code will appear in selection lists in SafeSite and the Virtual Super, and supervisors can allocate the cost code to a docket.
Active No: The cost code will not appear in SafeSite and Virtual Super selection lists and supervisors cannot allocate the cost code to a docket and it will not show in the list.
Optional Columns
Optional columns are coloured green in the template.
- Owners: Assign engineer(s) to this cost code. This makes it easier for supervisors to assign the right engineer to a docket by limiting the engineer selection list in SafeSite. Set a default owner to auto-populate when the supervisor sets the cost code. If no default owner is set, the first in the list will be the default.
- Stakeholders: Assign stakeholder(s) to this cost code to track expenditure. A stakeholder must be a head contractor Virtual Superintendent user.
IMPORTANT: The populated template will contain an additional ID column - do not edit or enter data in this column. This identifier is auto-generated by the Virtual Super.
Useful Information:
- Head contractor Virtual Superintendent users with the dockets Super User or Admin Manager permission are able to bulk import or bulk edit cost codes via a downloadable Excel spreadsheet.
- From time to time Cloudscape might make modifications to the spreadsheet template. We recommend that you download the template each time you start this workflow to ensure you are using the latest version
- Required fields (Req): All required columns are required to be completed even if the data is not used by your financial system. Required columns are coloured blue in the template.
- When entering data into the template, you can duplicate cells by selecting one cell, then dragging and copying down a column. When dragging and copying numbers, ensure the rows aren't incrementing, e.g. when copying a Project Number. To stop the number incrementing - select the copy cells option in your spreadsheet.
- Data copied from another source (e.g., not the spreadsheet template) is not checked for validity and can stop the import to the Virtual Super. To work around this, choose the Excel option paste with values, which triggers a validity check.
- The populated template will contain an additional ID column - do not edit or enter data in this column. This identifier is auto-generated by the Virtual Super.