Head Contractor Admin - Enable Subcontractor Admins to Register SafeSite Users

A head contractor administrator Virtual Superintendent user with the User Admin permission can edit permissions for a subcontractor admin (supplier) allowing them to create new SafeSite user accounts for their subcontractors independently.

The subcontractor admin needs the User Admin permission to access the Users page in their version of the Virtual Super, where they can create, view and edit SafeSite user accounts for their subcontractors independently.

Head contractor edits subcontractor admin permissions:

  • From the Virtual Super Menu go to the Users page
  • Select the Virtual Superintendent Users tab

  • Start keying in the subcontractor admin's email address in the Email filter area.
  • Press the pencil icon beside their name

  • In the subcontractor admin's Edit Permissions dialog -
    • Ensure that the supplier (subcontractor admin) name is correct
    • Toggle the User Admin and Subcontractor Admin permissions On
    • Press Update

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NOTE: The General User permission is unable to be toggled on or off.  This permission allows the user to have base level access to the Virtual Super but without any specific permissions.

This subcontractor admin will now have Users added to their list of permissions, which allows them to access their Users page where they can create new SafeSite accounts independently.