Load Count Reports
Using the Virtual Superintendent, you can view Load Count Reports to get up to date information about your project. Engineers and Project Managers can use this information to track production rates and project expenditure.
This article is divided into the following sections:
The Reports Page Explained
Creating a New Report
Using the Filter Panel to set Parameters for your Report
Working with Targets
Altering your Chart View
Setting Relative or Absolute Date and Time
Arranging the Reports Panel
Understanding the Colour Codes
The Reports Page Explained
From your Reports Page, you are able to create new Reports or view saved Reports. From here, you can create new Reports or view existing Reports.
The Reports page Menu explained:
Create New Report:
Click on the Create New Report icon and then select to create either a Load Count Report or a Site Event Report.
Sharing your Reports:
You may also like to read this article which explains how to Share your Reports with other Virtual Super users on your project.
Creating a New Report
From the Reports page, you have the ability to create new Load Count Reports for your project.
Select Load Counts
You will be diverted to the following Load Counts Report page:
The load count report shows the loading, hauling, dumping and return details for each load that is recorded. The data from this report is grouped under the following headings:
- Hauler: Name of hauling Machine, it's Role, Plant ID, and Company
- Load: Loaded at time, the Location(s) that the load occurred in, the loading Machine Name, the time it took to load the Hauler, the Material (if known), the volume (if known) and weight (if known). Generally it is either a volume or a weight and not both.
- Haul: Time it took to haul the Material, the Haul distance and the queue time while waiting to Dump.
- Dump: Dumping time, the Location the dump took place, and any Machines involved, e.g. Compactor or Grader if these are set to be dumping Machines, the time the dump took to complete (typically from when a Hauler enters the dump location to when it leaves)
- Return: Time the Hauler started it's return journey for another load, the return distance travelled, and the queue time during the return trip up to the time the Hauler was loaded again.
- Cycle: Total time from when the Hauler was loaded until it was next loaded, total distance travelled between loads, cost per load.
Note: Cost per load is driven from the cost associated with Hauler Machines that are on-boarded in the Plant page.
Pressing the green view load on map icon to the left of each load will take you to the Maps page where you can see the details of the specific load in the Timeline. This allows you to replay the load second by second for a detailed analysis, including automatically selecting the relevant Machines and geofences.
The view load on map icon will be coloured purple when you return to the Load Report Page, indicating that you have previously viewed this load on the map.
Press the Reports button (on your Title Bar) to take you back to the Load Count Report.
Using the Filter Panel to Set Parameters for your Report
The Filter Panel is located to the left of your Load Count Report. This is where you filter out data and set the parameters for your Report.
This graphic explains your Filter Panel:
- Report Name: Give your Report a Name.
- Public Report: Toggle the button on/off to make your report Private or Public.
- The Filter Panel: Allows you to filter out data and set the parameters for your new report. Select filters from the Reports Charts, Load Filters, Dump Filters and Hauler Filters areas.
- Download Report: Press the cloud icon to download the report data to a CSV (spreadsheet) file.
- Save as report: Press to save your Report with the latest Filter settings that you have made.
- View on Map: Allows you to view all of the data visible in the Report in the map view, so you can replay this and analyse the loads.
- Working Day: Allows you to set the typical start and end time of each working day. These times are linked to the Daily target values.
- Target Per Time Period: Allows you to set a target Volume and/or Weight within a set time period (see Working with Targets section (below) for more detail).
- Report Charts: Selecting this allows you to view the load count report as charts. There are many different charts to choose from and all will be based on the data you have selected using the filter panel.
- Load Filters: Allow you to control the Machines, Load Locations and Material that will be included in the report. By default, all of these are selected.
- Dump Filters: Allow you to control the Dump Locations and Machines that will be included in the Report.
- Hauler Filters: Where available, this allows you to filter by Hauler Company, Operator Name, Machine Plant ID and Hauler Role.
The Update icon at the top right corner of your Report indicates when the last update occurred.
Hover over the icon to see the exact time that it last updated.
Working with Targets
Setting Targets allows you to compare production over the selected time period to the set target value. Targets are linked closely to the Date/Time. Targets are set from your filter panel to the left of your Load Count Report.
Use the Target Per Time Period filter to set any Targets to be displayed as a line on your Cumulative Weight Summary or Cumulative Volume Summary charts.
- The Target can be set for a working day, a calendar week (Sunday to Sunday), or complete task (the entire duration of an operation, e.g. Target to move all Material from a specific Cut to a Fill, in the specified time period).
- Set your Target Volume (m3) in the Volume field. In doing so, only the Volume based loads will be counted against the Target.
- Set your Target Weight (kg) in the Weight field. In doing so, only the Weight based loads will be counted against the Target.
- Set your Cost Target in the Cost field. In doing so, only the Cost generated from the Hauler Machines will be counted against the Target. This Target calculates the cost of the Hauler per cycle and drives the Target used in the Cumulative Cycle Cost and Cumulative Cycle Cost Summary charts.
Note: In order for this to be accurate, you must set an hourly cost for each Hauler in the Plant page within the Virtual Superintendent. - There are some charts which allow a Target cost to be entered specifically for them. They are the Cycle Cost, the Average Weight Cost and the Average Volume Cost. The Targets are specified in the respective charts (see below for an example). The specified Target is set by pressing on the three dots, then pressing the Edit Target option.
Note: The Virtual Superintendent does not currently take into account the cost of loading Machines, dumping Machines or any other Machines that are not Hauler Machines. Caution should be used when using the Cost Targets because of this.
Note: When a working day Target is used, the Virtual Superintendent can predict the time that you will reach your Target, today, based on the average rate of production for the day. It can also tell you the required rate of production if you want to reach your Target at the specified end of your working day. If you are using a calendar week, or complete task target, the Virtual Superintendent will only tell you the estimated number of hours left to complete the task; using the average production rate to date. A specified Date and Time of completion is not given for the longer time periods because there might be days without production which makes predicting the finish date and time inaccurate, e.g. due to rain or weekends.
Below is an example of the Cumulative Volume Summary showing how Targets are represented:
Viewing Targets on your Cumulative Volume or Cumulative Weight charts
You will see that there are lines on your Cumulative Volume or Cumulative Weight charts.
Each line represents different data.
See below for a description on reading your Cumulative Volume or Cumulative Weight charts:
Altering your Chart View
To alter your chart view, press the three dots located at the top right hand corner of your chart.
There are 3 view adjustments that can be made from here:
Fit to Report - Scales the chart to the specified time range that you have set in the Date/Time selector.
Fit to Data - Scales the chart to the current data within your specified time range.
Hide Projection (Beta) - Press this to view/hide the projection line from your chart, where you are using Targets.
Setting Relative or Absolute Date and Time
You are able to set a specific Date and Time range for your report.
There are two Time and Date settings; Relative or Absolute.
Relative Setting:
Relative means using a common, fixed date period e.g. today, this week. This is useful if you want to create and save a Report that you can refer back to regularly, e.g. working day will automatically display data for just the current working day each time you open the chart.
- Press on the current Date range at the top of your chart
- Select the Relative option
- From the options displayed on the calendar window, select the Relative Date/Time to create the Filter
Absolute Setting:
Absolute allows you to select a custom Date and Time range. This will contain data from this specific Date/Time range and not change. This is useful for recording data for specific days of interest.
- Press on the current Date/Time range at the top of your chart
- Press the Absolute button
- From the options displayed on the calendar window, select the Absolute Date range to create the Filter
- Press Apply Time Range to create your Report.
- To set the Time for your Date range, select the from and to buttons.
- Set the times on the clock-face.
- Press OK.
Your report will now display the data from within this custom date and time range.
Arranging the Reports Panel:
You are able to reorder the way your Report Charts are displayed.
- Click the = button to the right of the Chart name in the panel to the left of your screen
- Drag and drop it up/down the panel list.
The Charts will now be displayed in this new order.
Understanding the Colour codes:
Your Report data table and your Charts are colour coded, allowing you to see the clear links between the data displayed. The default setting is for this to be Off, but it is very simple to turn this On.
- Press the palette icon at the top of your page
Note: Charts that are toggled ON in this Load Count Report are also available to use in the Charts Tab on your Maps Page, where they can be arranged into your own Custom Dashboard overlaying your map.
See the section in this article for more information.