Head contractor admin - Register New SafeSite Users

Head contractor and subcontractor admins can register new SafeSite users. Typically, subcontractor admins (suppliers) will register their own users however, if a subcontractor arrives on site and is not registered, a head contractor admin is able to assist them with SafeSite registration.

The Virtual Superintendent SafeSite mobile app is an important way to capture data for use in the Virtual Superintendent. The SafeSite app can be used to capture plant dockets, labour dockets, material dockets, truck driver or loader operator generated weighbridge dockets, Chain of Responsibility compliance data, and more.

The SafeSite mobile app must be registered to capture relevant data for specific projects and is linked to subcontractor suppliers or to the head contractor. The registration process can be controlled either by the head contractor or subcontractor administrators.

This article provides an overview of the SafeSite registration process from a head contractor admin perspective.

Typically, head contractor teams ask their subcontractor admins to create SafeSite accounts for their staff. A subcontractor admin needs the Virtual Superintendent User Admin permission in order to register SafeSite users. You can send them this article which provides user instructions for them.

A head contractor admin needs the Virtual Superintendent User Admin permission enabled to register SafeSite users.

There are 2 main methods for registering SafeSite users:

  1. Admin adds registration details in the Virtual Super and sends registration code to the user. The user is not required to enter their personal details to register SafeSite.
  2. Admin sends a generic Supplier registration Code to a user. The user is required to enter their personal details to register the SafeSite app for the selected supplier.

1) Add registration details in the Virtual Super - making life easier for the user

Where the head contractor team decides that they will onboard the subcontractors to a supplier, an admin can create SafeSite user accounts for each person in the Virtual Super and send registration code.

The Admin can send a registration code to each user via text message or email.

The text/email contains a link to the relevant app store, where the user will install SafeSite, then paste the code into the SafeSite registration page to complete registration. They will not be required to enter their personal details, as this has been done on their behalf.

Follow these steps to create SafeSite user accounts:

Click image for larger view

Download here -

Head Contractor Admin Creates SafeSite User Accounts in the Virtual Super

2) Send Supplier Registration Code to a User - making life easier for the admin

Instead of entering the details for each SafeSite user account, you can send a generic supplier-based registration code via email or text message to a subcontractor's email addresses or phone. When a subcontractor uses this supplier registration code, they will be prompted to enter their personal details to register the SafeSite app.

Follow these steps to send generic supplier-based registration code

Click image for larger view

  • Go to the Virtual Superintendent Users Page
  • Select the QR Codes tab
  • Select the Subcontractor tab
  • In the Dockets Supplier field, select the company (Supplier) the person works for

To send the Supplier registration code as a text or an email

  • Press Send as SMS or Send as Email
  • Enter the phone number(s) or email address(es)

    NOTE: It is possible to paste these from another file if separated by a comma or space

NOTE: A subcontractor admin, with the User Admin permission, is also able to do this from the Register Users page in their version of the Virtual Super. This method makes it possible for them to register large numbers of their staff as quickly as possible.

Supervisor generates Supplier QR Code

If the subcontractor is in the field, a head contractor supervisor with the SafeSite Superuser permission can generate a Supplier QR Code in the SafeSite app in the field. The subcontractor will pre-install SafeSite, then scan this QR code to register as a SafeSite user for the selected supplier.

See this support article for more detail and user instructions.

SafeSite Install & Register

The following cheatsheet demonstrates how a subcontractor will use a registration code to register the SafeSite app.

Click image for larger view

Download the cheatsheet here -

SafeSite Mobile app - Install and Register Cheatsheet