Labour Groups with predetermined shift times
When creating hours-based specified time period groups, a shift time can be applied to the individual item codes within the group, allowing the Virtual Super to automatically detect which rate to use in a docket based on the date and the start/finish time.
When an item code group with shift times is selected by a subcontractor in their docket, the Virtual Super will automatically detect which rate to apply, e.g. dayshift, nightshift or weekend, based on the day of the week and the start/finish time entered. This feature also allows public holidays and rostered days off (RDO's) to be inputted into Virtual Super and auto-applied to dockets based on the date and start/finish time entered.
Using groups with shift times will benefit your subcontractors as they will have fewer chargeable items to select from when creating dockets in the SafeSite app. Head contractor admins will also spend less time creating labour groups.
Enable shift times capability for your project
To enable this feature for your project, you will need to speak to the Cloudscape team. You will be asked to send a custom ICS calendar to the Cloudscape team at An ICS calendar is a universal calendar file format, also known as an iCalendar. The ICS calendar should include the public holidays that will impact your project and any Rostered Days Off (RDOs).
You will also need to provide details of the days/times for the rates for your project.
For example:
- Day shift: Monday-Friday 05:00-17:00
- Night shift: Monday-Thursday, 17:00-05:00
- Weekend: Friday 17:00-00:00, Saturday, Sunday, Monday 00:00-05:00
- Public Holiday: PH
Once this feature is enabled for your project, it is simple to create item code groups with predetermined shift times.
The individual item codes need to be created for a supplier before they can be combined into a group, e.g., a dayshift item and a nightshift item.
This support article explains how to create individual item codes for a supplier.
The Cloudscape team will enter the shift times for your project based on your requirements. Once entered, these shift times can be selected and applied to the individual item codes within groups to set the day/times that each can be applied to a docket.
Example: Labour Item Code Group with shift times:
The following example labour group demonstrates a labour group with the following time shifts applied:
- CW3 Labour - Public Holiday
- CW3 Labour - Weekend
- CW3 Labour - Night shift
- CW3 Labour - Day shift
The following article explains how to create item code groups, including applying shift times for specified time period groups.