Sign-on Profiles Explained
Sign-on Profiles are a set of controls which can be applied to Item Codes in the Virtual Super. They determine the steps that a SafeSite user must take to sign-on to the SafeSite app.
A head contractor admin with either the Dockets Super User or Admin Manager permission has access to the Dockets Setup page of the Virtual Super, where they can create, view or edit Item Codes, Sign-on Profiles, Cost Codes and Labels.
The steps for creating an Item Code will differ depending on your version of the Virtual Super. Some projects have Sign-on Profiles enabled, other projects do not have Sign-on Profiles enabled. If you do not have Sign-on Profiles enabled, and you would like this available across your project, speak to the Cloudscape team at
For projects using Sign-on Profiles, your Dockets Setup page will look like this:
Your Dockets Setup page has 4 tabs - Item Codes, Sign-on Profiles, Cost Codes, Labels. The data entered in these tabs provides the cost data for all electronic dockets generated for your project.
For a head contractor Virtual Super user to have access to the Dockets Setup page they need to have either the Dockets Super User or Admin Manager permission. If you cannot access the Dockets Setup page, please speak to the administrator in charge of the Virtual Super for your project.
Sign-on Profiles
Sign-on Profiles are a set of controls which are applied to Item Codes (chargeable items) in the Virtual Super. When a SafeSite user then selects a chargeable item in their docket, the Sign-on Profile applied will determine the steps they must take to sign-on to the app.
Each project will have a set of default Sign-on Profiles available to them - one for each Type of Item Code, e.g. default labour Sign-on Profile. When applied to a chargeable item, these default Sign-on Profiles will define the SafeSite sign-on process which is most popular for that Type of chargeable item.
NOTE: It is possible to create custom Sign-on Profiles for chargeable items which require different sign-on steps.
Create a Custom Sign-on Profile
Click image for larger view
Press the Add Sign-on Profile button
In the Add Sign-on Profile dialog, set the Type
Give the Sign-on Profile a unique Name
Set the Sign-on Controls - these will determine the steps that a user must take when signing on to SafeSite
- Sign-on Control - defines the steps that a user is required to take when signing-on to the SafeSite mobile app
- Sign-on Plant Control - defines the steps that a user must also take when signing-on to a particular plant item, e.g. an excavator or a truck.
- Press Save
Sign-on Control Fields Explained
Click image for larger view
Sign-on Plant Control Explained
Click image for larger view
Once Saved, the custom Sign-on Profile can be applied to Item Codes in the Virtual Super and will determine the unique steps that a user must take when signing-on to the SafeSite app.
To enable the Smart Select - ensure that the Plant ID Plant Control Version field is set to Smart Select.
Smart select provides SafeSite users with solutions to overcome the time consuming task of using selection lists when creating or reviewing dockets. Read our Smart Select Feature support article and our Plant Page Smart Select support articles for details and user instruction.
- Driver Breaks and Driver Breaks Prompts control how drivers are prompted about their breaks in the SafeSite Driver page. Drive time allows the estimated drive time to destination to display on the SafeSite Driver page. It is important to note that the driver must have location potions enabled for these prompts to occur. See our Driver Breaks in the SafeSite app support article for user instructions.
When setting the Sign-on Plant Controls, if you have set Plant ID to Yes, ensure that Truck Rego and Trailer ID are both set to No.
Truck Rego and Trailer ID can both be set to Yes if Plant ID is set to No.